Frequently questions

Does the hotel have parking?
Our hotel does not have parking as it is in the heart of Seville. You can find the closest one (2 minutes on foot) on Calle Sta. Ángela de la Cruz, 2, Parking Imagen..
Is breakfast included in the price of my reservation?
It will be included exclusively in those vouchers ´Regala Welldone´ that contain it and in those rates chosen with breakfast.
How long do I have to cancel for free?

According to your selected rate. Normally between one and two weeks before your arrival, with the exception of the non-refundable rate. The hotel will be flexible in its cancellation policy for the duration of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Do you have a 24 hour reception?

We do not have a 24-hour reception but we will be available whenever you need it.

Can I travel with a pet?

We do not allow pets in our establishments.

What time is Check-in and Check-out?

Check in at 14:00 and check out at 11:00, although we always serve our customers at the time they are scheduled to arrive, we provide them with all the information and store their suitcases.

How do you get to the hotel and the rooms?

Our hotels are accessed with a modern code system that we provide you upon arrival.

Is smoking allowed?

Welldone Hotels are smoke-free spaces.

Do you have single beds?

All our rooms are doubles except for the Superior one, which also has a single bed.

Do you have room service?

We have daily cleaning service and breakfasts. If you need items such as towels, pillows or iron, you just have to contact us..

Can I store my luggage at the hotel?

Of course, we have areas enabled for it throughout the day.

Do you have a common terrace?

The hotel has a common terrace with a solarium for all our guests. You can enjoy a private terrace when you reserve our Penthouse room.

Welldone Metropol contact:
+34 667 865 180
Plaza de la Encarnación, 15, 41003, Seville, Spain.

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